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Pyrethrins are not so safe
Pyrenthrins are the active ingredients in many over the counter flea and tick products. Per EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) they may not be as safe as previously thought. EPA is taking a new look at commercial "Spot On" treatments, sprays, collars and shampoos. The following products include harmful insecticides:
"Fipronil" a Commercial chemical found in most flea and tick repellents can take years off of your pet's life, causing long term health risks:
EPA has noticed a sharp increase in reported adverse reactions such as seizures, diarrhea, vomiting, skin irritations and deaths from using commercial chemicals/pesticides. If a dog or cat is untreated for fleas, fleas can transmit deadly diseases to your pet. If a flea has been infected with a "Tapeworm" they gain entry to your pet's bloodstream after biting.
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